12345 Florida St.
Sunnytown, FL 33123
Heating Equipment: The house is heated using a Heat Pump. Technically, a heat pump is a mechanical-compression cycle refrigeration system that can be reversed to either heat or cool a controlled space. Installation for this type of system typically consists of two parts: an indoor unit called an air handler and an outdoor unit similar to a central air conditioner, but referred to as a heat pump. A compressor circulates refrigerant that absorbs and releases heat as it travels between the indoor and outdoor units.
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Equipment Photos:
Air Handler
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Air Handler Label
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Air Handler 2
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Air Handler 2 Label
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Fuel: The fuel used by the heating system is Electric. Delivery Method: Thermostat Location: The thermostat controlling the heating system was located in the Living Room. Thermostat Observations: The thermostat controlling the heating system appeared to be in Average condition at the time of the inspection. It operated normally when tested. Recommendation: There are no concerns at this time. Ducting Observations: The heating duct system was inspected and appeared to be in Average condtion. Recommendation: Keep vent openings free from obstructions and change filter at regular intervals based on the usage of the system.
Report prepared by
Stephen Prinkey, CPI - FL LIC# HI8985

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